Discussions continue regarding Bitcoin’s potential to reduce racism. Some argue that the shared values within the cryptocurrency community can help overcome differences, a viewpoint supported by Robert Putnam’s research from Harvard.
Robert Putnam’s Research
In his work, “Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community,” Robert Putnam examined the effects of diversity on social life. His studies indicate that while diversity initially weakens social ties, these can be strengthened through the identification of shared values.
The Bitcoin $88,153 community is structured around participants uniting around common values. Beliefs in hard money, the right to transact without permission, and financial autonomy enhance trust among individuals. These shared values may facilitate collaboration among people of different races.
Bitcoiners and Racism
Identifying as a Bitcoiner can help individuals create a common ground in combating racism. According to Putnam’s research, shared values and objectives can reduce distrust between groups and promote collaboration.
Shared goals within the Bitcoin community strengthen trust among individuals. This trust can lead to more harmonious cooperation among people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds, allowing diversity to become a source of social strength.
While some Bitcoiners unite around common interests like technical knowledge and financial autonomy, this can contribute to reducing race-based divisions. Shared goals make it easier for individuals to come together around similar values.
However, claiming that racism has been entirely eradicated within the Bitcoin community may not be realistic. Personal biases and societal dynamics can persist even within such structures.
The shared values and goals of the Bitcoin community hold potential for reducing racism. Nevertheless, this impact varies depending on how committed individuals are to these values and the interactions within the community.