How much is 1 LINK worth right now?
With this data page, you can find answers to questions like how much is 1 Chainlink today, what is the value of 1 Chainlink USD, and how much is 1 LINK in dollars? You can access live Chainlink prices and other information, including pairings like LINK/USD and LINK/EUR, as well as details like Chainlink volume and market capitalization with real-time updates.
1 Chainlink to USD | 16 |
1 Chainlink to EUR | 15 |
LINK Price Change (24h) | -4.41% |
LINK Trading Volume (24h) | 1,395,365,618 |
Chainlink Market Cap | 10,480,706,557 |
Currently, 1 Chainlink equals $16 . You can exchange 1 Chainlink for $16 .
The price of Chainlink has changed by -4.41% over the last 24 hours and is currently trading at 16. The 24-hour trading volume of Chainlink is 1,395,365,618, with a total market capitalization of 10,480,706,557. This data is updated in real-time, ensuring you always see the latest Chainlink prices.
Chainlink (LINK) Price Chart
What is Chainlink (LINK)?
Chainlink, founded in 2017, can be described as a blockchain abstraction layer that enables universally connected smart contracts. Through a decentralized oracle network, Chainlink allows blockchains to securely interact with external data feeds, events, and payment methods, providing the critical off-chain information needed for complex smart contracts to become the dominant form of digital agreement.
The Chainlink Network is driven by a large open-source community of data providers, node operators, smart contract developers, researchers, security auditors, and more. The company is focused on ensuring decentralized participation for all node operators and users who wish to contribute to the network. Sergey Nazarov appears as the co-founder and CEO of Chainlink Labs. Nazarov graduated from New York University with a focus on philosophy and management in the business department. His professional career began as a lecturer at NYU Stern School of Business.
You can find the latest news about Chainlink in the Chainlink category.