In France, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov’s arrest shocked the tech world. Durov was detained at Le Bourget airport, accused of criminal activities on his platform. The arrest, part of a broader European crackdown on secure messaging services, follows an investigation in France.
Elon Musk and Kennedy React Strongly
Following Pavel Durov’s arrest, Elon Musk shared an old interview, stating Durov was targeted for resisting government pressure. Musk criticized Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for yielding to censorship and avoiding similar pressure. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. called the situation an example of the importance of the freedom struggle.
After Durov’s arrest, Telegram launched the #FREEDUROV campaign. The campaign quickly spread on social media, with Tron founder Justin Sun calling for a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) to support Durov’s legal defense. Sun pledged to donate $1 million if sufficient community support is gathered.
What Are the Charges Against Durov?
The charges against Durov are serious. They include terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering, and enabling the spread of child exploitation materials. French authorities argue that Telegram’s lack of oversight provides a platform for organized crime. The allegations suggest that Telegram may face increased pressure in the future.
Pavel Durov’s arrest has reignited debates on secure messaging services and user privacy. Tech leaders and the crypto community continue to fight for Durov’s release. The issue indicates escalating tensions between technology and governments, with Durov’s fate potentially becoming a milestone in the freedom struggle.
The matter has particularly stirred the crypto community. Following the development, the most significant movement was seen in the TON price. The cryptocurrency TON experienced a roughly 20% decline. After recovering, the TON price was trading at around $5.63 at the time of writing.