Bitcoin $83,273 is carefully evaluated by those investing in alternative assets to find a suitable place in their portfolios. Investors can determine Bitcoin’s suitability for their portfolios by answering three key questions related to return expectations and target portfolio volatility.
Bitcoin’s Price Dynamics
Contrary to popular belief, Bitcoin’s price is shaped more by demand than supply. As seen in five bull markets, innovations in access to Bitcoin impact its price. The establishment of early spot exchanges and various financial products like futures and options has accelerated Bitcoin’s integration into traditional financial markets.
Bitcoin serves as a hedge against risk and inflation for investors. Considered digital gold, Bitcoin accounts for a small percentage of global financial assets with a market value of $2 trillion. However, this share is expected to increase as asset management firms and pension funds include Bitcoin in their strategies.
Portfolio Optimization
Using Markowitz optimization, the ideal allocation of Bitcoin within a portfolio is determined. Investors assess factors such as Bitcoin’s performance compared to stocks, stocks’ performance against bonds, and the overall volatility of the portfolio. These analyses ensure that Bitcoin occupies the most optimal position in multi-asset portfolios.
For example, if Bitcoin surpasses U.S. stocks by 30% and stocks exceed bonds by 15%, the ratios of stocks and bonds in the portfolio are readjusted. These adjustments increase Bitcoin’s share in the portfolio, thereby enhancing expected returns.
One primary reason for viewing Bitcoin as digital gold is its strong network effect as a technology. When a critical threshold is crossed in network technologies, there is a tendency for mass adoption to accelerate, increasing Bitcoin’s growth potential.
Currently, Bitcoin’s market value represents only 0.58% of the global financial asset portfolio. This percentage is anticipated to rise with increasing institutional investment in Bitcoin.
This strategic approach allows investors to incorporate Bitcoin into their portfolios according to their risk tolerance and market views. Determining Bitcoin’s optimal allocation can positively influence overall portfolio performance.