Mira Murati, who managed the technical operations at OpenAI for six and a half years, announced her resignation on social media. As the Chief Technology Officer (CTO), she held responsibility for all critical technical advancements within the company. Her departure comes at a pivotal moment as OpenAI is in the process of gathering proposals for a new investment round valued at over $100 billion.
Context of the Resignation
Murati stated, “After much consideration, I made the difficult decision to leave OpenAI.” This resignation follows shortly after OpenAI’s annual developer conference, raising questions about the circumstances leading to her departure. She expressed gratitude towards the team and acknowledged the support she received from Sam and Greg, emphasizing the privilege she felt during her time at OpenAI.
Reflections on Her Tenure
In her announcement, Murati reflected on her extraordinary six and a half years at OpenAI, expressing deep gratitude for the opportunity to build and work with a remarkable team. She mentioned that she would be showing her appreciation to many individuals in the coming days. The announcement has sparked curiosity and speculation regarding the future direction of OpenAI without her leadership.