Recently, Telegram bots have gained significant traction in the market. The process that began with Notcoin and its local token, NOT, subsequently enabled the creation of many projects. While some of these projects gained worldwide attention, others failed to meet expectations. Amidst all this, OKX exchange made an important announcement recently, causing great excitement among the users of a particular Telegram bot.
According to an announcement made on the official X account of the OKX exchange a few minutes ago, the DOGS token of the DOGS project, which has existed for a very short time, will be listed by the exchange. Unlike long-standing projects, DOGS adopts a simple mechanism and is known to be task-oriented rather than click-focused. The announcement regarding the listing of DOGS is as follows:
#OKX will list $DOGS @realDogsHouse! $DOGS/USDT Spot trading starts on August 20 at 12:00 (UTC).
Following the announcement, it was observed that Telegram users made enthusiastic statements about the process and began to question how valuable their DOGS tokens could become.
Brief Information About DOGS
To briefly mention DOGS, it recently emerged as one of the mini bots on Telegram. Unlike click and game-themed bots, it focuses solely on Telegram usage time and is task-based, distinguishing itself from other bots.
Additionally, according to the announcement, the appearance of DOGS was inspired by Spotty, a mascot created by TON’s founder Pavel Durov for the Telegram community, embodying the unique spirit and culture of the community. Unlike its competitors, the project’s quick feedback seems to save users from waiting.
It appears that the future of DOGS, which is part of the crazy process following the NOT craze, will continue to be a topic of curiosity.