How much is 1 SOL worth right now?
With this data page, you can find answers to questions like how much is 1 Solana today, what is the value of 1 Solana USD, and how much is 1 SOL in dollars? You can access live Solana prices and other information, including pairings like SOL/USD and SOL/EUR, as well as details like Solana volume and market capitalization with real-time updates.
1 Solana to USD | 139 |
1 Solana to EUR | 129 |
SOL Price Change (24h) | -2.52% |
SOL Trading Volume (24h) | 3,691,671,880 |
Solana Market Cap | 71,153,839,489 |
Currently, 1 Solana equals $137 . You can exchange 1 Solana for $137 .
The price of Solana has changed by -2.04% over the last 24 hours and is currently trading at 137. The 24-hour trading volume of Solana is 3,063,211,696, with a total market capitalization of 69,870,208,758. This data is updated in real-time, ensuring you always see the latest Solana prices.
Solana (SOL) Price Chart
What is Solana (SOL)?
Solana Coin can be recognized as the native token of Solana, a single-chain, delegated Proof-of-Stake protocol focused on solving the scalability problem, which is seen as one of the biggest issues in cryptocurrencies, without compromising decentralization or security. It is known that Solana was founded in late 2017 by former engineers from Qualcomm, Intel, and Dropbox.
Solana (SOL) is a platform with the goal of supporting high-growth, high-frequency blockchain applications and democratizing the world’s financial systems. According to statements, Solana offers its users scalability, decentralization, and cost-effective applications. It is estimated that transaction costs on the network amount to $10 for 1 million transactions.
You can find the latest news about Solana in the Solana category.