Cryptocurrency world’s most discussed topic last week was Telegram CEO Pavel Durov’s detention. Pavel was detained in France last week. He was later released under judicial control. The development affected the cryptocurrency TON price and received strong reactions from the crypto community. A reaction also came from Russia regarding the issue. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov gave an interview to Interfax today.
Russia Comments on Telegram CEO’s Detention
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated in an interview with Interfax today that Russian authorities questioned Telegram but its founder Pavel Durov was not detained in Russia. Peskov said, “No one detained him in this country. Of course, there have been interrogations before.” The statement was actually a reaction to France’s action. Access NEWSLINKER to get the latest technology news.
The statement came at a time when concerns about Telegram being used by terrorist groups were increasing, bringing another situation to light. Peskov stated that terrorists using Telegram is no different from terrorists using vehicles. He questioned France, “Yes, terrorists use the Telegram network, but terrorists also use cars. Why don’t they arrest the general managers of Renault or Citroen?”
Pavel Durov’s Role in the Process
Pavel Durov’s role and situation in this process have been a constant topic of discussion due to Telegram’s libertarian structure and its emphasis on user privacy. However, the Kremlin emphasized that it addressed the issue on a legal basis and that Durov’s detention was not in question.
France’s move last week sparked new debates on the supervision of digital platforms and the stance of states towards these platforms. Telegram has billions of users worldwide and is especially preferred by individuals sensitive to freedom of expression.
France’s stance towards Telegram sets an important example not only for the country but also for digital rights and freedoms worldwide. The steps and statements France will make on this issue are eagerly awaited to see how state pressure on digital platforms will shape in the future.
- Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was detained in France last week.
- Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov reacted to France’s action.
- France’s stance on Telegram raises global digital rights concerns.