Tesla and many other companies have cryptocurrencies or crypto ETF products in their reserves. However, Telegram remained mysterious. Financial Times mentioned in its latest report that the company has a significant amount of cryptocurrency in its reserves.
Telegram and Crypto Reserves
According to a report recently published by FT, the company has $400 million in crypto assets in its 2023 balance sheet. The details of this are already a topic of curiosity. The company, which launched a major new trial integrated with TON Coin, had rapidly grown the TON Coin and its ecosystem. Crypto-focused mini-applications were offered to nearly 1 billion active monthly users through Telegram.
Just DOGS alone reached 50 million registered members. Other applications in the ecosystem also have millions of users. It takes much longer for applications on Ethereum and other networks to reach this number of users and they need to achieve much more successful results. However, since Telegram’s support came into play here, an interesting picture emerges.
TON Coin price was about to fall below $5.29 as BTC was about to lose $58,000 at the time of writing.