How much is 1 ADA worth right now?
With this data page, you can find answers to questions like how much is 1 Cardano today, what is the value of 1 Cardano USD, and how much is 1 ADA in dollars? You can access live Cardano prices and other information, including pairings like ADA/USD and ADA/EUR, as well as details like Cardano volume and market capitalization with real-time updates.
1 Cardano to USD | 1 |
1 Cardano to EUR | 0.972136 |
ADA Price Change (24h) | 1.80% |
ADA Trading Volume (24h) | 1,664,991,290 |
Cardano Market Cap | 36,342,347,501 |
Currently, 1 Cardano equals $0.99578 . You can exchange 1 Cardano for $0.99578 .
The price of Cardano has changed by 3.00% over the last 24 hours and is currently trading at 0.99578. The 24-hour trading volume of Cardano is 1,473,097,623, with a total market capitalization of 35,702,374,687. This data is updated in real-time, ensuring you always see the latest Cardano prices.
Cardano (ADA) Price Chart
What is Cardano (ADA)?
Cardano (ADA) is a decentralized platform that enables complex programmable value transfers in a secure and scalable manner. Founded by Charles Hoskinson, the development of Cardano began in 2015, and it raised approximately $60 million in an ICO before being launched in 2017. Hoskinson is also one of the co-founders of Ethereum. The development team consists of a large global collective of expert engineers and researchers.
Cardano’s protocol is composed of two layers: the settlement layer and the control layer. The settlement layer contains information related to accounts, while the control layer handles information related to identity, compliance, and blacklisting functionality. Cardano also offers a debit card and a dedicated wallet called Daedalus. Funds can be transferred from the Daedalus wallet to the card, and the money on the card is automatically converted into the user’s local currency.
You can find the latest news about Cardano in the Cardano category.