How much is 1 ETH worth right now?
With this data page, you can find answers to questions like how much is 1 Ethereum today, what is the value of 1 Ethereum in USD, and how much is 1 ETH in dollars? You can access live Ethereum prices and other information, including pairings like ETH/USD and ETH/EUR, as well as details like Ethereum volume and market capitalization with real-time updates.
1 Ethereum to USD | 3,306 |
1 Ethereum to EUR | 3,147 |
ETH Price Change (24h) | 0.08% |
ETH Trading Volume (24h) | 11,597,046,976 |
Ethereum Market Cap | 398,437,706,636 |
Currently, 1 Ethereum equals 3,297 . You can exchange 1 Ethereum for 3,297 .
The price of Ethereum has changed by -1.28% over the last 24 hours and is currently trading at 3,297. The 24-hour trading volume of Ethereum is 11,455,293,704, with a total market capitalization of 396,635,979,480. This data is updated in real-time, ensuring you always see the latest Ethereum prices.
Ethereum (ETH) Price Chart
What is Ethereum (ETH)?
Ethereum is a cryptocurrency launched in 2014, created by a young programmer named Vitalik Buterin. Before creating Ethereum, Vitalik was part of Bitcoin’s core development team, but he left to develop Ethereum. The most significant innovation Ethereum brought after Bitcoin is the concept of smart contracts. Smart contract systems have introduced the concept of programmable money. Like Bitcoin, Ethereum operates on a decentralized, distributed database system, the Blockchain. Anyone can participate in votes on the Ethereum network, create their cryptocurrency (tokens), develop decentralized applications, and engage in Ethereum mining. Despite its relatively short existence, millions of people worldwide now use Ethereum and cryptocurrencies.
You can find the latest news about Ethereum in the Ethereum category.