When HUNDRED COIN made an announcement that it would now be traded on UNISWAP exclusively many people were dumbfounded. HUNDRED COIN ETH was always available on UNISWAP. Were the 2 tokens somehow merging? What most people didn’t realize is UNISWAP is available on BNB chain.
BNB chain has several dex and UNISWAP is the 2nd most popular after Pancakeswap.
So why the change?
Satoshis Brother one of the HUNDRED devs gave us a few insights. These are his or her words.
“We have built a few projects on BNB chain and noticed that shortly after launching there were all of these weird transactions. There was clear evidence of some wallets trading our tokens that did not own any tokens. There were also these ghost liquidity adds that allowed these wallets to trade even though we found no evidence of them on the blockchain. We figured out how they work and specifically built HUNDRED to combat these bots. Later on we determined that these weird transactions had to be coming from someone who had intimate knowledge of Pancakeswap.”
HUNDRED with its bot stopping code rose to a 10X in no time.
“The transactions were so much cleaner. No wallets were immediately selling someone’s buy. We were on our way. Then we noticed something else. No matter how much HUNDRED grew, 10X 100X we got no acknowledgement whatsoever from BNB chain. Which to be fair was consistent when we were building the token. We reached out to BNB chain several times before launching and was only able to hear back from someone just once. And it was a one sentence response. But BNB chain has a lot of people vying for their attention. We figured once we launched if we had any success we would hear from them. After 100X not only did we not hear from them still, but they seemed to do whatever they could to hinder our success. Right on Pancakeswap they had a ‘HIGH RISK’ warning to discourage people from buying. There are projects that are completely dead but you can buy their token, that don’t have this warning. The same warning was put on Trust Wallet. Again this is one of your biggest gainers on your chain and all these sites owned by BNB chain are putting up these ridiculous warning signs. We haven’t even sold a single token. We stopped hackers and phishers. People trust us. We reached out to them so many times and never got a response back. So once we hit 1000x we decided to move to UNISWAP. Immediately after removing liquidity from Pancake there it was…a ghost liquidity add that would normally allow bots to continue trading even with no liquidity seen on chain. We immediately blocked that address. They only added $118 in liquidity for a 14 MILLION MARKETCAP project? And again that transaction cannot be found anywhere on chain. We have tremendous respect for BNB chain. We don’t think its a chain issue but a personel issue.”
Since moving to UNISWAP there hasn’t been any weird transactions. None. Volume is a bit lower until people figure out that UNISWAP works for BNB chain but that will come. If HUNDRED can continue its rise as the best performing crypto since May, there will be an airdrop at 100 MILLION MARKETCAP on BNB and 10 MILLION MARKETCAP on ETH. HUNDRED has already done 3 airdrops flawlessly.
Here is a video produced by the HUNDRED COIN team celebrating 1 MILLION MARKETCAP on BNB
You can buy HUNDRED by going to https://hundredcoin.io/ and click on the respective UNISWAP link for the chain you want to buy on. Then simply use USDT BNB or ETH to buy.