Renowned writer and investor Robert Kiyosaki, known for his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” shared his thoughts on another potential asset that he believes is not widely adopted. In his tweets, Kiyosaki, who often emphasizes Bitcoin $93,201 (BTC), gold, and silver, this time focused on the shares of technology giant Apple.
“Maybe It’s Time to Buy Apple Shares”
Kiyosaki stated in his tweet that Apple CEO Tim Cook sold his Apple shares. Cook’s sale of shares began after Keybank lowered the company’s rating.
The famous investor stated that he does not currently own any Apple shares, but he said that maybe it’s time to buy them as they have fallen below $150 per unit. In his tweet, Kiyosaki said, “I don’t have any Apple shares. If Apple shares drop below $150, it means it’s time to buy Apple shares.”
According to the latest data, Apple’s unit share price is trading above the target level expected by Kiyosaki, at $173.66.
In the past, Kiyosaki had stated in his tweets that investors should stock up on Bitcoin, gold, and silver these days as they are trading at attractive prices. The famous investor is particularly expecting the price of the largest cryptocurrency to rise by 2025.
Kiyosaki’s Expectation for Bitcoin
Kiyosaki gained attention with his bold predictions about the future price level Bitcoin could reach. The famous investor said that he expects the largest cryptocurrency to rise to $500,000 by 2025, but later lowered this prediction to $120,000.
He believes that BTC will surprisingly reach $1 million per coin, possibly within just a few years or longer. He recently advised people to withdraw their money from banks because he expects banks to collapse soon.
During the banking crisis in the US, when several major banks, including Silvergate and Silicon Valley Bank, went bankrupt, Kiyosaki invited his followers to buy Bitcoin. The price of BTC rose with the bank failures at that time.