Türkiye Hazine ve Maliye Bakanı Mehmet Şimşek this week spoke about crypto and stock gains. His initial statement drew attention and clearly dampened investors‘ spirits. As the crypto law prepared for FATF progresses, the tax issue coming to the forefront has caused confusion.
Crypto Tax
Hazine ve Maliye Bakanı Mehmet Şimşek previously mentioned that gains from stock and crypto transactions would be taxed. This statement, which could deter investors and cause them to withdraw from the markets, made waves globally. However, as Bloomberg recently reported, Şimşek is now saying the opposite.
“We do not foresee a tax based on gains from crypto and stocks.”
Although this statement, which contradicts the previous one, has reassured investors, there is still work being done on taxing gains from crypto exchanges. It is unclear whether this will be similar to the low-rate commissions on exchanges or something else. Since the draft, which has been debated for a long time, is FATF-focused, it was said that the details regarding tax would be created with a separate regulation.