Telegram-based tap-to-earn games have emerged as top contenders in the crypto world in 2024. Hamster Kombat reached 300 million players ahead of a recent AirDrop, while Notcoin launched with a market valuation of nearly 3 billion dollars. These games stand out for allowing users to earn cryptocurrency through simple screen taps.
Increasing Popularity of the Tap-to-Earn Model
The tap-to-earn mechanism is a straightforward concept that is gaining popularity through various iterations and combinations. However, whether this model successfully overcomes the issues faced by previous play-to-earn games or will encounter similar criticisms remains uncertain.
Economic Sustainability and User Engagement
While play-to-earn models require initial investment from players, tap-to-earn games target a broader user base by eliminating this requirement. This significantly lowers the entry barrier for newcomers to the cryptocurrency space.
Robbie Ferguson, CEO of Immutable, commented that “tap-to-earn games represent a promising advancement over traditional play-to-earn models due to their simplicity and accessibility.” Alena Shmalko, ecosystem leader at The TON Foundation, noted, “If tap-to-earn does not succeed in creating new economic models, it may face the same fate as play-to-earn models.”
While tap-to-earn games enable users to earn cryptocurrency by playing on their phones, they face limitations in depth and complexity. Andrew Saunders, head of marketing and growth at Skale Labs, expressed concerns that these games struggle to maintain long-term user engagement.
Notably, tap-to-earn models rely on ad revenue for their economic structures, which could be a crucial step toward sustainability. Games like Notcoin and Hamster Kombat are developing various strategies to expand their ecosystems and retain users.
In conclusion, tap-to-earn games represent a new trend in the crypto gaming industry. Their user-friendly nature and low entry barriers offer the potential to reach broader audiences. However, questions remain about their long-term sustainability and ability to address the challenges faced by play-to-earn models.