The renowned “Doomsday Clock” bulletin was updated on January 23 by atomic scientists to reflect the planet’s imminent danger, setting it at just 90 seconds to midnight due to a variety of factors, including the field of artificial intelligence. The Clock is adjusted according to existential risks to the planet and humanity, including nuclear threats, climate change, and disruptive technologies.
What Are the Concerns About Artificial Intelligence?
The bulletin was established in 1945 by scientists including Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer. Artificial intelligence was added as a new source of concern after explosively entering mainstream society in 2023. The scientific journal that publishes the Doomsday Clock, The Bulletin, described the technology as the most significant development in the field of disruptive technology:
“It is clear that artificial intelligence is a paradigmatic disruptive technology. Any physical threat posed by artificial intelligence must be enabled through a connection to devices that can change the state of the physical world.”
The report indicates that the field of artificial intelligence could be a significant factor in hindering the world’s ability to cope with other urgent threats and that AI is increasingly being used by military and information operations. The article points out that many countries are beginning to realize the concerns and are starting to take steps to regulate and minimize the harmful effects of the technology.
Noteworthy Developments in Artificial Intelligence
In August 2023, China became the first country to publish effective regulations for artificial intelligence. Subsequently, in December 2023, the European Union adopted its own provisional regulations related to artificial intelligence, which member states may choose to adopt later.
The United States, which emerged as a center for the development of artificial intelligence last year, has not yet enacted an official law. In October 2023, President Joe Biden issued an executive order establishing six new standards for safety and security in the field of artificial intelligence.
However, the bulletin also drew attention to the fact that artificial intelligence and other information technologies have accelerated the ability of authoritarian regimes to monitor citizens’ activities and freedoms. Concerns were also expressed about the capability of artificial intelligence to influence political elections through fake news and information manipulation ahead of the major global election season in 2024.