In the last 24 hours, customers of Anadolu Sigorta have been receiving bizarre notifications on their phones. Similar notifications have also started to appear from the HGS application just a few minutes ago. A malicious wallet address was shared, demanding a ransom. What does the HGS notification signify?
HGS Application Sends Bitcoin Notifications
For the past 24 hours, users have been receiving profane notifications from the Anadolu Sigorta application. Some of these notifications claimed that those sending 1000 dollars worth of BTC to a specified address would receive double the amount in BTC. However, this method, often employed by scammers, is merely a trap. Anadolu Sigorta announced that there has been an attack on their infrastructure.
Security of Personal Information
Anadolu Sigorta also declared that personal information remains secure and mentioned that they would provide a new statement following a thorough evaluation. However, just a few hours after the announcement, the HGS application began sending the notification to all users.
It remains unknown whether customer information from HGS, which has over 11 million subscribers, has been compromised. Experts commenting on social media regarding the issue faced by Anadolu Sigorta suggested that only the access key to the notification service may have been stolen, indicating a similar problem could have occurred with HGS.