On the longest day of 2024, investors need to be much more careful. Everyone is on high alert for ETF news. More importantly, cyber attackers who hacked the SEC‘s account at the start of the day causing massive victimization could do so today in different ways. And yes, it seems they have just tried their first attempts.
CoinGecko Account Hacked
The shared but recently deleted fake announcement claimed that CoinGecko had issued a token. According to screenshots taken by some users, the post appeared to direct investors to the main site. However, as we warned months ago, link previews can be masked by various methods.
For example, the original site’s preview appears in the post (as below), but when you click, you see in the URL bar that you are directed to the attackers’ website. Even though the post has been deleted, attackers could try again with a more convincing story.
The team has not yet made an announcement, and it is unknown whether the account is still in the hands of the attackers. Cyber attackers who took over accounts by copying phone numbers had last managed to control the SEC’s corporate account and made an “ETF approved” post. In the coming hours, the possibility of the same scenario being staged on different popular accounts requires investors to be cautious against “adrenaline-pumping shares.”