Historical data is commonly used to forecast the future of cryptocurrencies. However, this method does not always yield accurate results. For example, during the recent bear market, the price of BTC fell below $20,000, violating previous all-time high levels, which historical data suggested should not have occurred. So, what do experts predict today based on historical data for cryptocurrencies?
Historical Data and Altcoin Bull Run
Although it may go unnoticed, BTC has been closing at six-figure levels for some time. Continued occurrences at these levels could signal a bullish consolidation phase for altcoins. BTC lingering at higher levels and avoiding a price increase may open the door for altcoins, if not today, then in the near future.
An analyst known as Rover feels that the excitement surrounding Bitcoin’s Strategic Reserve (BSR) is insufficient. He compares past graphs to current scenarios and warns of potential outcomes.
“If you think Trump should announce the Strategic #Bitcoin
$96,464 Reserve NOW, hold on. We need just one catalyst to push Bitcoin above $150,000, similar to the ETF situation!”
Altcoins and Historical Data
Daan Crypto Trades shared a graph showing the total market value of altcoins. He notes that consolidation continues below the all-time high level of 2021, expecting a break above $1.7 trillion. If altcoins achieve this, it will signify the beginning of the anticipated altcoin bull run, with a crucial support point at $1.27 trillion.
Yoddha shared a graph presenting a bullish market scenario for 2024-2025 based on historical data. This scenario suggests that the total value of cryptocurrencies could reach $6.3 trillion, indicating a significant peak for altcoins at over $3 trillion.
In such a scenario, many altcoins could see price increases of 5 to 10 times their current values. Notably, as this article was being prepared, a NYSE official stated that more crypto companies are preparing for public listings, which will further support altcoin firms.