21milyon.com provides real-time totals of transactions made on cryptocurrency exchanges in Turkey. This allows you to see which crypto projects Turks are trading the most. The site also shows details of the last 24 hours’ trading volume and how much each cryptocurrency and altcoin has been traded on different exchanges. Let’s see which cryptocurrencies Turks have turned to according to the data from 21milyon.com.
Tether (USDT) Tops the List According to 21milyon.com Data
According to 21milyon.com, the stablecoin Tether (USDT) is at the top of the list. In the last 24 hours, Turks have conducted transactions worth 2.54 billion TL in Tether (USDT). The popular meme coin FLOKI is in second place, with a transaction volume of 2.23 billion TL.
In third place is BTC. The recent price increase in Bitcoin has attracted the attention of Turks. Accordingly, Bitcoin transactions amounted to 1.68 billion TL.
PEPE, CIVIC, and OX Transactions Stand Out
The Turkish interest in meme coins is well-known. Following FLOKI, Turks have created a significant transaction volume in the meme coin PEPE, moving it to fourth place with a volume of 1.2 billion TL.
In fifth place is the altcoin CIVIC. With an 80% increase in the last 24 hours, the volume created by Turks in CIVIC is 918 million TL. In sixth place is the altcoin OX, with a trading volume of 854 million TL.
Shiba Inu, Luna Classic, Jasmy, and FET
Looking at the rest of the list, we see the meme coin Shiba Inu with a transaction volume of 774 million TL. In eighth place is Luna Classic with 669 million TL.
In ninth place is the altcoin Jasmy coin. Jasmy made an important announcement today, revealing its partnership with Panasonic. The transaction volume for Jasmy coin is seen to be 662 million TL.
Finally, in tenth place is the artificial intelligence coin FET. The transaction volume created by Turks for the altcoin FET is 630 million TL. If you want to follow these data in real-time, you can visit the website 21milyon.com to easily see the transaction volumes and price information.